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Nocino Nocillo – 20 cl bottle


Artisan product obtained with a classic recipe of walnuts with husk in alcoholic infusion.

Ingredients: good taste alcohol, sugar, infusion of walnut husk, flavorings, col. with caramel.

20 cl. Bottle

COD: V2 Categoria:
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Nocino is a liqueur found in several European countries obtained from the husk of the walnut, by infusion in alcohol. In Italy it is particularly loved in Emilia-Romagna and especially in the Modenese area.

To produce walnut, the small unripe hulls of the walnuts collected from the plant in early summer are used, when they are still tender enough to be cut.

Usually 20-25 hulls are chosen, washed under running water and cut into wedges. They are placed in a non-metallic container, in a large glass container, then left to macerate covered with brandy for a variable period. After maceration, the infusion is filtered.

It is bottled for aging. This usually lasts a couple of months, but can even last for years. The final liqueur usually has an alcohol content between 35 and 40 degrees and a very dark greenish brown color.

Ingredients: water, sugar, white wine, 4% walnut husk extract, flavorings, col. with caramel E150d.

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